My Favorite Travel Music Video

Last Updated on by Lohanna Reis

If you are like me, and sometimes just find yourself staring at the world map wondering about all those places and how much you would like to visit and learn about every single one of them, this music video is for you!!



This music is by Renald Francoeur with drawing by Craighton Berman and the video by Don Markus.

According to the description on Youtube, “‘Tour the World’ is track #1 from Brain Beats 2 – the mnemonic CD that features 13 brilliantly catchy songs to help you remember things you’ve always wanted to learn, but couldn’t.”



You can purchase the full album here:

What did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you know all of those places existed? Or were there any surprises? Do you have other travel music videos that you like? Let me know in the comments area below. 

Happy travels!



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One Response

  1. 10 Practical Video Tips on How to Make a Travelogue Video - The Art of Backpacking & Adventures to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    […] script is the backbone of your travelogue video. It will help you structure video content and find opportunities to inject […]

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