15 Responses

  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous at |

    Great! The text is great and the pictures amazing. A really nice post!

    1. Rodrigo de Souza
      Rodrigo de Souza at |

      Hi, thank you so much for the comment and the support. Glad that you enjoyed it.
      Happy travels!

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous at |

    In love. You totally motivate me to travel!

    1. Nikki Elliott
      Nikki Elliott at |

      Thank you, anonymous! I guess you could say that motivating others to travel is just one goal of mine 🙂

      If you ever have any travel-related questions or need some tips, please don’t hesitate to ask!

  3. diane alsens
    diane alsens at |

    Nice, Nikki! I loved your article and the creative way you wrote it. An easy, fun read!

    1. Nikki Elliott
      Nikki Elliott at |

      Thank you, Diane. Hopefully, we’ll have other articles like this in the future, so keep your eyes out 🙂

      I hope all is well with you and please tell your family that I say hello!

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous at |

    nice article !

  5. Antonio
    Antonio at |

    This is amazing, Nikki. I’m not ashamed to admit that I tend to get afraid when I think of traveling by myself. But your article made me think twice about it. I’m Brazilian and I want to do a similar trip here in the South America, so your tips are really helpful.

    As your profile say, you’re in South Korea now, right? I got really curious about that. Is there going to be a post about this new experience?

    I wish you guys keep having fantastic trips and feeding this blog.

    1. Nikki Elliott
      Nikki Elliott at |

      Oi Antonio! Tudo bem?

      I’m glad you enjoyed the article. I’m sure you are not the only one out there that has questions about traveling solo… so perhaps that’ll be a post for the future.

      While traveling alone can be incredibly challenging at times, I think it is something that everyone should try at least once… even if it’s only for a week or two. It’s really a great way to see what you are capable of and it’s very liberating to be able to do exactly what you want when you want to without anyone influencing those choices, though this does sometimes feel very strange at first.

      To be completely honest, though, it is so easy to meet people in hostels or in things like tours that you can always find someone to hang out with if you want to. So, while you might occasionally feel lonely on things like long bus rides or when you get hopelessly lost (as I tend to do, often), I can guarantee you that it won’t last for long. After all, it does seem like a shame to miss out on a potentially awesome trip just because you can’t find someone else to join you!

      I’ve spent some time backpacking around South America myself (including your beautiful country, Brazil!), so I’d be happy to share more information with you if you want it. In fact, the creator of the site is Brazilian himself (Rodrigo), so if you have any questions specific to Brazilian travelers (like the best way to exchange your Reais into other currencies or the best Brazilian credit cards for miles), feel free to contact him.

      And yes, I am currently teaching in South Korea. Hopefully they’ll be a post about my life here in the near future… if you like, you can subscribe to our newsletter so you know when it’s up.

      Thanks again for the positive feedback and please don’t hesitate to contact either me or Rodrigo with other questions.

      Boas viagens!

  6. Richman
    Richman at |

    “In other words, if I survived traveling by myself in areas of the world that the media would lead you to believe should be avoided at all costs because they are inhabited by dangers (murderers, terrorists, organ harvesters, people who hate Americans, gang members, crooks, mobsters, drug dealers, sex offenders, the boogeyman, aliens, war, earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoons, sharknados, Lord Voldemort, Dracula…), that’s probably because the media isn’t exactly giving you the whole truth. Unfortunately, the media is concerned with things like ratings and often exaggerate negativity to get those ratings.”

    You have a blog post about this?!!?!! It is so true! The media will make you believe the entire Ukraine is at war. The media sucks.

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